Saturday, February 27, 2010

"imports". Union. Goverment. Domestic


The fundamental difference between GM-Chrysler and Toyota is this: 
GM-Chrysler has not been truly profitable for decades and was actually a drain on the economy (and still is, even more so, with God only knows how much taxpayer debt/newly minted Fed money being poured down a rat-hole). 

For another fine example of how “well” this worked, look at the history of British Leyland from the early 1970’s on. 
Conversely, Toyota (and many other car companies, Hyundai-Kia comes to mind immediately) have been profitable. There is also the fact that “foreign” car companies have been putting jobs INTO the United States (and Canada) for nearly 3 decades, while at the same time Detroit (The Big 3...GM, Ford, Chrysler) has been intentionally sending jobs out of the country. (Mexico) Much of this stems from the stupidity of the unionist who DO believe that they are simply entitled to a wage 300% higher than similar work done by others the next town over in another industry. So, yes, there is a difference. In fact, multiple differences. In a world where business takes chances, wins or loses – the losers go away and their place is taken by someone else who is willing to try anew. It’s a hard life in reality-world. The problem with the government continually picking favorites (which is pretty much well described as Fascism or Socialism – both actually much more similar than you think) is that it stifles this natural business cycle. Hey, if we don’t want normal business cycles, I suppose we could all go back to living in frickin’ caves and dragging our women around by their hair, eh? Which is where the survivors eventually may well end up if trends continue on as they are. Or to be more realistic, have a peek at Somalia some time...

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