Sunday, January 31, 2010

My kids made this Stop Motion Army War video

Give it a peek. Leave a comment so they will stop bugging me "daddy,
when will someone leave us a comment?"

It's actually not bad for a 7 and 9 year old...

Check out this video on YouTube:

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

Auto dealers and social media

Most dealers just don't get it.

If you only knew how many tweets and facebook posts I see a day that
ate nothing more than an ad you would buy a bullet and rent a gun...

They have to be doing more harm than good. Don't get me wrong, there
are some who do a good job but for the most part it's frightening....

Just add value. Stop "spamming" and give the people interested
something they could use.

I wonder how many followers a dealer would have if their account name
was "dealership ads and spam".

It's not that difficult. But it is a fundemental change in thinking.

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It's official: EA sticks with Tiger, announces Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 - Joystiq

18 holes during the day 18 holes at night. I can see it now, "
Achievement Unlocked! One in Hole. 25 GPs"

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Apple Tablet rumors: 3G, dual dock connectors, user interface

"Tablet rumors: 3G, dual dock connectors, user interface" -

Your latest serving of Apple's tablet rumors comes courtesy of iLounge, which is claiming two "double-confirmed" details about the forthcoming device:

1. The tablet will have dual dock connectors: one on the bottom just like the iPhone and iPod touch, and one on the long side so you can charge the device in landscape orientation.

2. Similar to the original iPhone, which had a mostly aluminum back, the tablet has a metal backside with a long, non-metal strip allowing for wireless access. There could be any number of antennae behind that strip, from the 802.11g wireless currently in iPods and iPhones, to 802.11n for faster networking, and even - potentially - a 3G antenna. iLounge goes on to speculate what sort of fees might be involved with the tablet's data services through a provider like Verizon or AT

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All posts are my own opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of others

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Streaming audio and video from home to my iPhone just amazes me.

Using programs like Simplfy Media and Remote Buddy I can stream all my
media stored on an external hard drive at home to my phone. Sounds
cool huh? But think about it....

That media has to leave my home, and bounce off cell towers to get to
my phone. Doesn't matter if I'm down the street or 3000 miles away.

The fact that it can do that is just amazing. Crazy.

Yet I still find myself bitching when it takes a few seconds to buffer
or it's not cd quality.

I guess my point is when you think about what this tech has to do
maybe I should give it a break if I have to wait 5 extra seconds to
enjoy it.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Who said Prius was a bitch car?

4 wheelin and 60 mpg!!!

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Most companies could learn a thing or two from Apple. Stop with the vaporware.

You know what impresses me about Apple? They don't attend all the
industry shows and show off stuff they "might" do.

When Apple shows a new product it's a product that is in production
and in many cases can be purchased that very same day.

When companies display their future products, many of which never make
it to production I have two think it devalues the brand and the
technology they are displaying, giving other companies time to get
into the game and push the price down. Sure that's good for the
consumer but maybe not so much for the company and it's stock holders.

Maybe the auto industry should give this a try. I mean how long has GM
being talking about the Volt? 2 years? Still have yet to see one on
the road... What could have sold for 40k is now set for failure at
30k. How's that for a hit to your gross?

Point is, dont talk about it. Make it. If you believe in your product
like you say, you will make it work.

Good game Apple.

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Apples forth coming tablet is "traditional" medias last chance at relevancy.

No one is picking up a newspaper anymore. How many of the top 10
newspapers are in financial trouble? 8? Despite their bloated
cirrculation numbers, the proof is in the financial statement. I liken
it to General Motors and their bloated sales numbers. Do units sold in
fleet to companies they own actually count??

Anyway, if print media doesn't jump on board with this kind of device,
their days ate numbered just Luke their existing customer base.
Eventually they will die. How long can "dad" actually hang on? It's
only a matter of time before dad hits play on the VCR to watch his
favorite Woody Allen tape for the last time. When he goes so does his

To dig deeper, advertisers must also adapt to a new business model.
Maybe it's a co-op on hardware? I don't have the answer but I know
they have to change. It's no longer a push marketing enviroment. Hasnt
been for some time now despite what advertisers say. They need to
figure out how to make pull marketing work.

And this device could be the ticket.

I've always said "the content should be free, the hardware is where
you get them" (cell phone industry model ring a bell?) It's much
easier, and less expensive, to catch a hardware thief. So unless the
New York Times has plans for some type of hardware, consumers will
find other ways to get the content they want.

Hey print media..... Here's you chance.


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WSJ: Tablet confirmed, Apple to reinvent old media

"WSJ: Tablet confirmed, Apple to reinvent old media" -

In all the years I have spent as an Apple fan, following various rumor sources and keeping my own mental list of who had the most credibility on various types of Apple theories, I never thought in all my days I would ever read, let alone write, the following sentence: The Wall Street Journal has just announced that Apple is releasing a tablet computer.

All of their information is centered on the alleged mystery device that will allegedly be announced at a now official event next week. Here are some of the juicier tidbits they passed on from those mysterious people "familiar with" what's happening on Inifinite Loop:

  • Always partial to the education market, one thing this device might be used for is e-textbooks, presumably including the sort of multimedia content that goes beyond the printed page.

  • Textbook publishers aren't the only publishers Apple has been talking to. They're chatting up Conde Nast, Harper Collins, The New York Times, and even CBS, Walt Disney Co, and Electronic Arts (for games).

  • A "Best of TV" service is possible, with a subscription to a set of on demand programs chosen by the consumer.

  • Those same people are also reporting there is a revamp of iTunes coming, which would separate the purchase of iTunes content from the iTunes application.

  • The device will have a 10 or 11 inch screen, a virtual keyboard, and "sharing" is mentioned -- two ideas being thrown around are the ability to leave sticky notes on the device or even have the camera recognize faces of those using it.

  • Price is expected to be around $1000, and they'll be selling it to people who already have iPhones and laptops as well.
  • Of course the piece itself doesn't have a full confirmation from Jobs, so we'll have to wait until next Wednesday for that: Apple's invitation to the media event on January 27th is titled "Come see our latest creation", and is generally considered to be the public debut of a tablet-style device. But when the Wall Street Journal says there's a tablet coming, there's very likely a tablet coming, and if everything they're saying about this device is true (which would make sense -- we've heard most of it before in rumor form), look out world.


    This link came from The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) iPhone App. It is your source for tips, reviews, news, analysis and opinion on everything Apple. From iPod to Mac to iPhone, with tips from beginner to advanced, TUAW keeps you current with daily updates delivered to your iPhone or iTouch.

    To learn more about the app or download it go here:

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Real Estate Marketing NY Construction Marketing NY Law Firm The Berman Group Real Estate Marketing NY Construction Marketing NY Law Firm Marketing NY Clients include construction contractors unions law firms trade associations Berman Group is a full service marketing public relations and special events marketing firm Not only for Real Estate Marketing NY Construction Marketing NY Law Firm Marketing NY but also for other professional service firms and organizations details

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Check this video out. It's a real estate marketing company in ny.

Just thought it was nicely done...

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Longhorns have an iPhone app yet I can't find an orange hoodie!!!

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Rumor: Apple tablet said to be "iPhone on steroids

"Rumor: Apple tablet said to be "iPhone on steroids"" -

If there's anything consistently consistent about the purported Apple tablet, it's that it's said to be, in essence, a larger iPhone. Expanding on this, Boy Genius Report cites its "close Apple contact" that claims the device is "an iPhone on steroids."

Like its iPhone brethren, the tablet is said to sport an ARM processor, adding the caveat that the processor will be "incredibly fast." Also according to the report, the tablet will support multi-touch gestures that are said to be "out of control." Back in 2005, Apple acquired FingerWorks, a company that specialized in gesture-based computing. According to former Apple engineers, FingerWorks will have its footprint -- er, fingerprints -- on the purported tablet.

The meat behind these potatoes is said to be the iPhone OS kernel. For this reason, there hasn't been an updated build of the iPhone OS out of fears that tablet-related references in the code would leak.


This link came from The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) iPhone App. It is your source for tips, reviews, news, analysis and opinion on everything Apple. From iPod to Mac to iPhone, with tips from beginner to advanced, TUAW keeps you current with daily updates delivered to your iPhone or iTouch.

To learn more about the app or download it go here:

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

At least Ford gets it.... "MyFord Touch coming to 2011 Ford Focus"

Check out: "MyFord Touch coming to 2011 Ford Focus" -
The 2010 Detroit Auto Show has just kicked off and Ford's plans for the 2011 Focus have been made official. While others might care more about the 155bhp or new six-speed dual-clutch transmission, we're best pleased by the inclusion of the MyFord touch control system. This setup was designed to drag the car dash into the modern touchscreen era, and our comprehensive hands-on revealed it to be a most impressive bit of tech. Two displays flank the analog speed gauge, but the piegrave;ce de reacute;sistance is an 8-inch, 800 x 480 optional screen landing in the center of the dash. Endued with a web browser, it'll connect via 3G or 4G modems and concurrently act as a WiFi hotspot. Add in a bunch of forthcoming apps and compatibility with any Bluetooth device, and you've got a tech lover's dream system. The next generation Focus should enter production near the end of 2010, giving us a full year to write a "vroom, vroom" app for our smartphones.

------------------------------- This article came from the Engadget iPhone App, which features everything from the latest smartphone news, to reviews and hands-on looks at laptops, HDTVs, gaming, and more. To learn more about the app or download it go here:

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Monday, January 4, 2010

Suspicious Minds cover. Recorded on iPhone

Download now or listen on posterous
Memo.m4a (1489 KB)

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Love Removal Machine cover. Recorded on iPhone.

Download now or listen on posterous
Memo.m4a (346 KB)

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"WSJ: Apple tablet device to be 10 inches, "shipping in March."" l

"WSJ: Apple tablet device to be 10 inches, "shipping in March."" -

Things are beginning to firm up on the specs of the rumored tablet device. According to the Wall Street Journal, who interviewed people who were apparently briefed today on the subject by Apple, "Apple plans to unveil a new multimedia tablet device later this month, but doesn't plan on shipping the product until March. While the shipping time hasn't been finalized and could change, people briefed on the matter said the new tablet device will come with a 10- to 11-inch touch screen." Apple is apparently also working on two different material finishes for the device. Unknown is whether or not there will be two versions or if Apple is selecting one finish over another for the final device.

This overlaps with a few predictions on the topic naming 10" as the proposed size of the device, and adds yet another example where rumor has risen above the tech/Apple blogosphere to more general news sources.

All eyes on the January 27th event.

(Thanks to John H. for the tip.)


This link came from The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) iPhone App. It is your source for tips, reviews, news, analysis and opinion on everything Apple. From iPod to Mac to iPhone, with tips from beginner to advanced, TUAW keeps you current with daily updates delivered to your iPhone or iTouch.

To learn more about the app or download it go here:

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

My damn idea 2 YEARS AGO !!! "Ford to offer iTunes tagging in their cars"

"Ford to offer iTunes tagging in their cars" -

Just as 2009 was ending, Ford announced that they'll be offering a new option in their cars for 2010: the ability to "tag" any songs you happen to hear on the radio for later purchase in iTunes. It'll be an option, so it won't come standard in the new Taurus you buy, but if you opt for the HD Radio, the stereo will have a "tag" button that will capture the information of whatever you're hearing, sync it to your connected iPod and then bring it up for purchase in iTunes the next time you're at your computer. It sounds like a win-win for everybody: Ford gets to sell HD Radios, radio stations get more listener involvement, and Apple and the music companies get your sales (presuming you complete the purchase).

It'd be nice to have the song automatically sent to iTunes (or even transmitted via Bluetooth to your iPhone -- maybe even via an official app -- next time it happens to be near the car), but one step at a time, I guess. Don't forget that you don't even need this option to mark any music you happen to hear: if you have an iPhone, you can use Shazam's iPhone app to listen in, tell you whatever the song is, and save it for purchase later if you want. It's a free download in iTunes, lots cheaper than a brand new car.


This link came from The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) iPhone App. It is your source for tips, reviews, news, analysis and opinion on everything Apple. From iPod to Mac to iPhone, with tips from beginner to advanced, TUAW keeps you current with daily updates delivered to your iPhone or iTouch.

To learn more about the app or download it go here:

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