Monday, November 30, 2009

Paper. Rock. Scissors. Check out this TWI Conversation

I understand how scissors can beat paper, and I get how rock can beat scissors, but there is no fucking way paper can beat rock. Is paper supposed to magically wrap around the rock and leave it immobile? Why can't paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors why can't paper do this to people!? Why aren't sheets of college ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they take notes in class? I'll tell you why, because paper can't beat anybody! A rock would tear that shit up in like 2 seconds. When I play rock paper scissors I always choose rock. The when somebody claims to have beaten me with paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say, "oh shit I'm sorry, I thought paper would protect you, you asshole!"

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Van Halen Cover - Panama

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Van Halen Cover - Right Now

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Toyota "friends and family" deal - more info part 2. Feel free to retweet.

Look, if your going to buy a Toyota, scion or Lexus before Jan 1 2010
just get a hold of me.

You will get the friends and family deal. You can pick the car up at
any Toyota scion or Lexus dealer.

You save money and aggravation.

This is from Toyota motor sales USA. Not a dealer program.

So if you were going to but one anyway you can't loose...

Just contact me.

Retweet this. Email this. Forward to anyone who can use it.

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Thinking of buying apple stuff this year? Apple online store us the place on black Friday!

"Apple announces one-day shopping event on November 27th" -

As usual for this time of year, Apple has announced a special one-day sale on November 27th, which is Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving). The page on Apple's online store reads:

"Come back to the Apple Online Store the day after Thanksgiving for a special one-day-only holiday shopping event. You'll find dozens of great iPod, iPhone, and Mac gift ideas - all with free shipping.

Mark your calendar now. And until then, start your research by browsing the Apple Online Store to find iPod, iPhone, and Mac gifts for everyone on your list."

There's no details on what's exactly going to be on sale, and this doesn't look like the questionable leaked email we saw last week stating Apple's Black Friday discounts. Apple has in the past not posted the actual sale prices until early Friday. We'll let you know when we find out what's on sale and what those discounts are.

What are your purchase plans? Let us know by leaving a comment!

[via Mashable]


This link came from The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) iPhone App. It is your source for tips, reviews, news, analysis and opinion on everything Apple. From iPod to Mac to iPhone, with tips from beginner to advanced, TUAW keeps you current with daily updates delivered to your iPhone or iTouch.

To learn more about the app or download it go here:

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What a combo! My kinda place....

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Toyota "Friends and Family" deal - more info....

For some reason the company is trying to sell cars... :)

If you have a need and are looking to purchase a Toyota before Jan 1, 2010, let me know.

This is the official "friends and family" deal for Toyota. No BS... Im not a salesmen

You can take delivery at the store of your choice anywhere in the USA...

No games, no bull, just an easy time buying a new toyota on the official Toyota Motor Sales USA Inc "Friends and Family" any store you choose on any Toyota, Scion or Lexus vehicle.

If you have a need, and were going to buy one anyway, let me know. I can help...

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I dont normally do this but, if you are looking to buy a Toyota Before Jan 1, 2010 LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

What's up with pizza joints and their old school Jesus pics??

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Effin kids....

So NicNac said "fuckin jerk"...

So he needs to be punished. Wife gets out hot sauce and slams some in
his mouth. Only problem was it came out really fast. So he has a
mouthful of hot sauce.

He swallows. Wife feels bad and gives him milk and bread to put the
fire out.

10 mins later he says "you know mom, they make hotter stuff. You might
want to buy some"

He will be 6 in two weeks....

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

WWII in HD - Simply Incredible

You owe it to yourself to watch this show. Watch it when it's on, dvr
it, tape it, download it, pirate it. Just watch it.

What gets me is the hell these people went through and when we see an
older person wearing thier WWII hats and what not just walking feebly
down the street or sitting alone in a mcdonalds we tend to think
"crazy old person".

The next time you see someone that fits this image, buy them that cup
of coffee. Or simply go up to the stranger and say "thank you".

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Car dealers - black Friday sales??

Any of my dealers out there thinking of riding the black Friday wave
with sales or events? How are you promoting it?

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Monday, November 16, 2009

CNN - Leonid meteor shower to peak Tuesday

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Leonid meteor shower to peak Tuesday

This year's Leonid meteor shower will peak early Tuesday, forecasters say, producing mild but pretty sparks over the United States and a more intense outburst over Asia.

"We're predicting 20 to 30 meteors per hour over the Americas and as many as 200 to 300 per hour over Asia," said Bill Cooke, of NASA's meteoroid environment office. "Our forecast is in good accord with ... work by other astronomers."

The Leonid shower is made of bits of debris from the Tempel-Tuttle comet, which streaks through Earth's inner solar system every 33 years.

It leaves a stream of debris in its wake. Forecasters, however, say it's hard to know exactly how many of the meteors will be visible.

"We can predict when Earth will cross a debris stream with pretty good accuracy," Cooke said. "The intensity of the display is less certain, though, because we don't know how much debris is in each stream."

The first stream will cross over Earth about 4 a.m. ET. That stream should produce about two or three dozen meteors per hour over North America, NASA said.

Experts say people who want to watch the shower, which is visible with the naked eye, should get as far away from city lights as possible. The darker the sky, the brighter the meteors will appear.

High-altitude sites are best for viewing, reducing glare from the moon, and there's no particular direction one should look for the best shot at seeing one, they say.

The next Tuesday streams will peak over Indonesia and China shortly before dawn there. The pair of streams there were actually laid down by Tempel-Tuttle in A.D. 1466 and 1533, and the two of them crossing at the same time is the reason for the 300 or so visible meteors expected.

"Even if the rates are only half that number, it would still be one of the best showers of the year," Cooke said.

Overall, and especially in the United States, this year's Leonids are mild.

From 1999 to 2002, the streams produced outbursts of more than 1,000 meteors per hour.

But one added plus this year, Cooke said, is that, coincidentally, Mars will be passing nearby at the time of the showers.

"Leonids will appear to be shooting almost directly out of the planet Mars," he said.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Left 4 Dead 2 - Dead Center - Ax and Sword

The Dead Center level - lots of sword and axe use... heads do roll!!

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Modern Warefare 2 - Canon T1i

While the iphone is nice to take a few quick seconds of video, I wanted to see the difference on the DSLR - it takes 1080p video as well...

Here some 720p - dont know if it made it up to web in 720p but it looks crystal clear on my mac....

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Left 4 Dead 2 - Fire Bullets

Download now or watch on posterous (6119 KB)

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Left 4 Dead 2 - Swamp Fever Part 2

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Left 4 dead 2 - playground

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Dogtown and Z Boys

A great documentary about the surf/skateboard crew of the 70s.

Anyway, they use Neil Youngs "old man" in a scene. Just fits perfectly.

Give it a peek if you have some time this weekend.

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Dunkin Donuts Reviews - Goshen NY

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3 / 10 large double doubles.

The only reason this didn't get a lower rating is the fact it's located in a strip mall which usually limits fascia.

With it's old fascia, dirty windows and dirty floor, appearance is not important to this store. I was afraid to even look in the restroom.


6/10 large double doubles.

Prompt but I was one of two customers. No smiling faces. Nothing to warrant a tip.


4/10 large double doubles.

All taste reviews are based on large hot coffee 8 creams 8 sugars.

Not bitter. Not burnt. However they missed the mark of 8/8 by about 3 on each. Adding the correct contents the consumer requests is paramount. Adding the amount they "think" is enough does more harm than good.

Bottom line

4/10 large double doubles.

I would stay away. Grab youself a cup from the local gas station or even a fast food joint. You will get the same service, same facilities and same taste and save some money in the process.

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Dunkin donuts around the world - goshen ny

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Going to film every dunkin I go in...

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Kevin asked us to send you this post from Joystiq

From: Joystiq
Sent from: Kevin (
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Comments: I am really tired of the media and all the other groups out there telling me what I should let my children play. Just back the hell off.

Fox & Friends gets 'fair and balanced' with Modern Warfare 2 discussion


Did you know that there's a murderer in your house ... right now? It's sitting there on your coffee table, in your Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or PC. It's name is Modern Warfare 2, and it lets your eight-year-old child become a terrorist and kill people. Our pals at Fox & Friends got together for a "fair and balanced" discussion about the game's controversial airport scene, with the show's host Steve Doocy inviting Common Sense Media's Jim Steyer and /gamer's Jon Christensen into the fray.

Unsurprisingly, Steyer makes the oft-cited connection between violent games and real-life violence. And when Doocy gives Christensen the final word, he cobbles together an anecdote about his friend the ret ail manager not selling copies of Modern Warfare 2 to underage consumers, which is met with, "You bring a game into a house, nothing to stop an eight-year-old kid from becoming a terrorist and shooting people" from Doocy. So far, we haven't received any reports of the game sneaking its way into people's homes or making parents blind and unaware of their children's actions, but we'll keep our ears to the ground.

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Modern Warfare 2 airport level

WTF! So disturbing. I love it!

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Foreign TV Ad - I dont know what they are saying and I really dont care....

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Newspapers last chance at being relevant?

They really need to figure something out... But paying for content
that can be found for free doesn't sound like it will work. That's
part of thier current issue...

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CNN - Report: Microsoft bans 1 million Xbox Live players

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Report: Microsoft bans 1 million Xbox Live players

It's oh-so enticing: you find a copy of a brand new game like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on a pirate site and the temptation to download it is too strong.

Well, that temptation may have cost up to 1 million users of Microsoft's Xbox Live the ability to use that service. According to a report in InformationWeek, Microsoft has banned as many as a million players from Xbox Live for altering their consoles in order to play pirated versions of games.

This week, Activision's new Call of Duty was released, and InformationWeek speculated that because pirated versions of the game appeared on various sharing sites in advance of the release, the game's developer may have exhorted Microsoft to enact the bans.

"Xbox 360 consoles are equipped with digital rights management technologies designed to detect pirated software," InformationWeek wrote, "but some players have successfully 'modded,' or modified, their machines to circumvent DRM protections."

Even if someone has been banned, their Xbox will still play offline games, InformationWeek said. But it's not at all clear if the bans are permanent or if Microsoft will allow those who have been booted from Xbox Live to return at some point down the line.

In a statement Microsoft said: its "commitment to combat piracy and support safer and more secure gameplay for the more than 20 million members of the Xbox Live community remains a top priority. All consumers should know that piracy is illegal and modifying their Xbox 360 console violates the Xbox Live terms of use, will void their warranty and result in a ban from Xbox Live. We can assure you that if an Xbox Live member follows the Xbox Live terms of use, purchased a retail copy of Modern Warfare 2 and played the game on an unmodified Xbox 360, no action will be taken."

And on the Xbox support page, Xbox Live Director of Programming Larry Hryb, aka Major Nelson, has addressed some of the circumstances that could lead to a player's being banned.

"Players who find their Gamertags banned from Xbox Live have wound up in that situation due to violations of the Xbox Live Terms of Use," Major Nelson wrote.

"The Xbox Live team monitors players for not just cheating, but also for things like threats, racism, profanity, and just being an all around poor sport and ruining the game for others.

"When a Gamertag comes up as violating our policies for online behavior, the person who owns that Gamertag is punished by being banned from the service. Keep in mind, this isn't just a ban on a particular game. This is a ban on the Xbox Live service as a whole, so you won't be able to go online at all during your ban. Initially, you may be banned for a day, a week, or depending on severity, permanently! Kiss that $50 goodbye."

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Chops and Sauce

My corner.

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Random iPhone vids...

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Eff Windows...

Why ANYONE would want to use a windows box is beyond me. WTF...

Unless "researching" on the net how to make things work is your idea
of a good time....

I'm amazed microsoft was able to have the damn xbox work after a week
of use...

Pure garbage. Apple FTW!

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Nobody loves you like your mamma loves you but who's lovin your mamma

I just can't get enough of this song...

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Finally found pc with sata....

Thanks to Chop, I can now do what needs to be done...

I sure hope the wife will bail me out. I wouldn't do so good in prison.

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Feel free to use this as your ringtone

Download now or listen on posterous
Memo.m4a (44 KB)

Ring a ding ding

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Anthony goes off on Susan Boyle

Download now or listen on posterous
Memo.m4a (437 KB)

Actually trying audio post to posterous.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009


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Your vs You're

I've made the decision for everyone. It's ok to use "your" for both

This puts the onus on the reader which works for me. Anything I can do
to make my life easier and someone elses harder is a real treat.

You've been told....

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Why the hell won't it stop?

I turned off all access from Twitter to facebook yet whenever I post
to posterous it's still feeding Twitter (which I want) and my facebook
(which I want also). But I don't want Twitter to feed my facebook

Any ideas??

All Twitter related apps on facebook have been changed to not allow
posts from there.

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Why the hell won't it stop?

I turned off all access from Twitter to facebook yet whenever I post
to posterous it's still feeding Twitter (which I want) and my facebook
(which I want also). But I don't want Twitter to feed my facebook

Any ideas??

All Twitter related apps on facebook have been changed to not allow
posts from there.

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Last test pay no attention

Should only see one

Post from Twitter disabled. (tweetdeck)

Nothing to see here. Carry on...

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DC Sniper execution today

9pm eastern. Man that was fast. I thought people were on death row
much longer...

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Steve Jobs Gets Crowned “CEO of the Decade”

411px-Steve_JobsFortune magazine just published an article in which it names Steve Jobs, Apple CEO and co-founder, CEO of the decade. How does one merit such a grandiose title? Well, by doing the seemingly impossible, that’s how. Fortune recounts the Coles Notes version of Jobs’ life and times, and it sounds too fantastic to be true. Yet it is true, and it is at least partly responsible for the rabid devotion Apple commands.

The magazine describes the ousting of Steve in the 1980’s, his return in the 90’s, and the decade-long story that follows, which includes harrowing health problems, a securities-law scandal, and a product line badly in need of innovation and originality.

Despite having taken over the company when it was worth only $5 billion, and seemingly on the verge of failure and bankruptcy, Steve Jobs ushered in devices like the iPod which helped change the company’s fortunes dramatically (they now control 73 percent of the U.S. MP3 player market), eventually leading to the $170 billion net company worth that exists today. In August of this year, Apple reported that it had $31.1 billion in cash on hand, an amount that would allow it to buy its pre-Jobs self six times over.

Of course, Steve Jobs was also behind the introduction of the iPhone, a device which has arguably changed the landscape of cellular communication and mobile computing more than any other (subscription required). Originally introduced in 2007, in the two years since, the iPhone has become the force to reckon with in the smartphone industry. It led to fundamental changes in the way cellular service providers do business, and wrested much of the control of media and bundled software away from them.

Still, it hasn’t all been roses. Not one, but two major health issues arose for Jobs during the past decade. First, in 2004, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He underwent surgery to treat the disease, and the outcome was apparently a good one, since no follow-up chemo or radiology treatment was required. Then, last year, Jobs took a six-month leave of absence during which he underwent a liver transplant. He returned to work in June 2009.

There was also the securities scandal, in which Jobs was apparently granted stock options at a backdated price, resulting in $20 million of undeclared taxable income. An internal Apple investigation later cleared Steve Jobs of any knowledge of the backdating, but the issue remains subject to active criminal and civil legal investigation.

But the highlights far outweigh the few dark spots on this Apple. Mac market share continues to grow, and the brand remains incredibly popular among students and young people, a promising sign for the future. Jobs is also the largest shareholder at Disney, thanks to his influence and guidance in Pixar’s celebrated history. And, just as no one has yet to replicate the iPod’s success in the MP3 player market, no true iPhone-killer has yet to surface, despite countless efforts by other phone manufacturers.

Perhaps what makes Steve Jobs such a successful CEO is that people know his name. Not just avid Fortune readers and business-types, but most people. So much so that The Simpsons can parody him without fear of the joke being lost on the masses. Make no mistake, Jobs himself is a willing and active part of Apple’s promotional arsenal, as evidenced by his legendary theatricality when introducing new products and software at various special events.

It’s hard to predict what the future holds for such a personality, but recent evidence suggests that Jobs will next try to do for TV what he’s already done for music and cell phones. That is, to quickly and without much warning become the dominant force in an industry.

Yahoo! Buzz Tweet This (95)

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Test video

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IMG_0602.MOV (871 KB)

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Alternative Marketing Switch

I hate to tell you this but there is no single switch you can flip to
get your alternative marketing working on all cylinders.

There are many pieces of the puzzle that need to be put into place in
order to see the whole picture.

Seo alone is not enough.

Social media alone is not enough.

Process is not enough.

Video alone is not enough.

However, fitting those pieces together will greatly benefit you.

But this takes work.

If you need help with any of this, let me know.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

My posterous account is all setup!

Just finished setting this up. Got it feeding a few other sites.
Actually it's a good service. We shall see....

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