Friday, July 17, 2009

Convert Convert Convert

I've said it before and I'll say it again...

I don't care how pretty you think your website is. I don't care how many cool features it has.

What I do care about is how your site performs.

Wayne Gretzky wasn't the best looking hockey player that every lived. But he was the best hockey player that ever lived.

Because he produced. He got the results. End of story.

How does your website convert? 2%? 5%?

If you are converting under 15% visits to leads then one of following may be a concern:

1. Your site sucks. Just being honest. The site is not actively helping to convert. So change it.

2. You are not tracking the data correctly. Are you counting unique phone numbers found only on your site? Your website will produce more phone calls than form submits (and more service related inquires than sales). Are these not leads??? who handles these?

Once you know a true conversion rate, you can do the math down the line to get sales from traffic. You can really dig in and analyze it deeper and you will know just how many follow-up calls you need to make an hour to sell your objective for the month.

You do know your TRUE close rate right?

Give me a shout if you want to dig deeper... and finally have an accurate measure of the ROI of that department...

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