I was so tired of Cydia and its repo loading errors.
Heres how I fixed.
Its a 4 part process, but well worth it. Taken from various places around the web. As always, YMMV.
You can do these procedures either via SSH on a machine or right on the iPhone (iFile for one). However, Step 4 requires SSH on a machine.
Step 1:
Navigate to /private/etc/apt/sources.list.d and delete all files that contain the offending repo in the filename.
Open cydia.list for editing.
You will see lines that look like deb http://somerepo.url/ ./ Remove the line that has the offending repo url.
Save the file.
Step 2:
Navigate to /private/var/lib/apt/list and delete all files that contain the offending repo in the filename.
Step 3:
Navigate to /private/var/lib/apt/list/partial and delete all files that contain the offending repo in the filename.
Step 4:
Navigate to /private/var/lib/cydia and open the metadata.plist for editing. SAVE TO DESKTOP USE TEXTWRANGLER to edit. Save and upload back
Ctrl+F (or similar) for your offending repo url and delete all instances of it (it may appear more than once in the file).
Save the file.